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What you should know about anti-ageing research


What you should know about anti-ageing research

At Oralift, we keep you updated on the very best anti-ageing tips, tricks, and techniques every week, and alongside developing our own anti-ageing device designed to help you turn back the clock, we stay abreast with the latest scientific developments from across the industry.

Today, we’re sharing some of the most interesting developments in the world of anti-ageing.


Scientists can manufacture young cells

In recent years, scientists have been developing ways to manufacture young cells and tissue with pluripotent stem cells paving the way for a new generation of anti-ageing techniques. The body’s master cells are self-replicating and, though it’s been 20 years since they were first developed in a lab, new applications could be just around the corner. The fact we’re able to make virtually all cell types of the human body not only unlock opportunities for ageing but wider public health. The future is incredibly bright and we can’t wait to see what comes of it.


Humans could live to 150

Whilst many of us are more concerned about anti-ageing techniques that change the way we look, it’s also worth noting that developments in health mean we could live longer. One scientist says that in the foreseeable future, humans could live to 150 years of age thanks to powerful therapies. There’s no chance that humans will be immortal, however: scientists have said that 150 is probably a cut-off point and that we’re unlikely to be able to live longer.


We’re spending more on ageing research than ever

The anti-ageing market is estimated to be worth $83.2 billion by 2027, and although most of that money goes into marketing and the development of products, we’re also seeing some serious breakthroughs in relation to anti-ageing and age-related diseases. Google’s Calico, for example, is working with AbbVie Inc and has announced another $1 billion investment, on top of a previous $1.5 billion push, and there are companies like AgeX, Rejuvenate Bio, RestorBio, and Longevity pumping resources into research and development. Exciting times.


Many are debating the ethics of new science

With some now speculating that genetic engineering could not only help us achieve more youthful appearances but actually increase our lifespans, many are debating the ethics of the new science and developments. Right now, it’s against the law in Western markets to edit the human embryos that are intended for reproduction, but that’s not to say things won’t change in the future. Of course, genetically modifying humans could pose serious risks.


Applications are a way off

We might be getting carried away in the excitement of new anti-ageing technologies and developments, but it’s worth noting that anything major is still a way off. Indeed, even when major anti-ageing breakthroughs are announced, they require years or decades of clinical trials before they’re approved and are able to be marketed to the public. Still, it’s fascinating to see what could be around the corner, and it’s something we’ll be keeping an eye on.


If you’re looking for an anti-ageing product that could help you look and feel your best, consider Oralift. Our natural facelift device is like a mouthguard, designed to be worn for short periods. We believe that exercise is the best form of natural medicine, and our device follows a similar principle in that it uses the body’s natural ability to adapt, and rejuvenates the face without surgery, injections, or chemicals. Click here to find out more and buy yours.

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