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How to embrace going grey

How to embrace going grey 6

How to embrace going grey

We all remember the day we found our first grey hair. Whatever your age, the chances are that you’re desperate to hold onto your youthful looks, and regularly dye to your hair to keep the greys at bay. According to science, women in their fifties will see around 50% of their hair turn grey when their bodies stop producing the pigmentation cells responsible for their hair’s natural colour. Although diet and hormones can have an impact on your hair colour, it’s important to note that going grey is genetic and that embracing your new colour is simple…


Hide those roots

If you’re making the transition to grey hair but still have patches of your natural colour, you’ll have to contend with darker roots for a short period. One way to combat this is to buy a root mascara or spray, which isn’t ideal, but is cheaper and more convenient than having to dye your entire head of hair every few weeks. You can buy cover-up powders on Amazon for less than £10/$12, and make them part of your morning regime. Once you’ve moisturised and toned, you can apply the grey root concealer powder to your hair; it lasts up to 48 hours.


Update your hair care regime

Once you’ve committed to your new colour, you need to adapt your hair care routine to suit. Invest in a specialist silver shampoo and conditioner to give your hair the nourishment it needs, and be careful when it comes to styling. Heat can have a strange effect on grey hair – so rather than sitting in the sun for hours on end or using your hair straighteners before a night out with friends, wear a hat to protect yourself and invest in a heat protection spray. If you do need to blow dry, curl, or straighten, treat your hair to a repair mask once a week.


Ease the transition with highlights

Not quite ready to make the leap to silver hair? Add in some streaks of silver and gold to reduce the appearance of your naturally-occurring grey hairs. Blonde women will find that the transition is much easier, as they’re able to introduce grey highlights without changing their appearance drastically overnight. If you have darker hair, now is the time to switch from permanent dyes into semi-permanent dyes, and as the colour fades, you can go a shade lighter. Eventually, you’ll notice that your hair colour and grey tones are less noticeable, and can then introduce highlights until you’re comfortable rocking a full head of natural, grey hair.


Give yourself a new look

Deciding to ditch the hair dye and go au natural is a big step, and a great opportunity to overhaul your style. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel or call Gok Wan for support, but you can make some subtle changes to your style to complement your new silver locks. With a new hair tone, you can rock bright, bold lipstick colours, and you could choose a new glasses frame that injects some colour and personality into your look. Fashionistas suggest some black and white staples, with pops of colours to add interest and contrast. From red heels to bright green necklaces, there are so many ways that you can try something new. If you’re struggling with colour ideas, try teal, rich purple, and lavender – you’ll be surprised.


Beware of your demarcation line

When the two textures of your hair meet – your dyed hair and your natural hair colour – you’ll notice a “demarcation” line. This occurs because your natural hair is stronger and healthier than your dyed hair, which means split ends and hair breakages are more common. Dying your hair also means you’ll have a harsh line where two colours meet. We recommend that you tidy split ends with a pair of hairdressing scissors, and use moisturising conditioners and haircare oils to reduce the appearance of weaker, damaged hair. Avoid dying too often to prevent damage. Sooner or later, you’ll be able to let your natural grey locks shine through.


Embrace your new hair colour

It’s natural to feel scared about changing your hair colour, and grey, unfortunately, has negative associations with ageing and being “past it”. The truth is that grey hair is as valid and attractive as any other colour, and reframing the way you think about your hair should be a priority. Rather than feeling like you’re “admitting defeat” and accepting you’re getting old, see grey hair as an opportunity to for a fresh start. You can experiment with colours through makeup and fashion, and even introduce colours to your grey hair like copper, brown, and blonde. Temporary colours are an ideal way to inject some fun into your look.

Embracing grey is also good for your purse. Women, on average, pay much more than men for hair cuts, hair dyes, touch-ups, and blow drys. What’s more,  can be really frustrating when you spot another grey strand on your freshly-dyed bob – grey takes away that stress!


There you have it – our advice for embracing your naturally-grey hair. If you’re tired of ageing and want to hold onto your youthful looks, consider the Oralift anti-ageing device, offering truly groundbreaking facial rejuvenation, without surgery. It takes advantage of the ability of your facial muscles to adapt in a process similar to exercise – click here to find out more.

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