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10 ways to get rid of bags under your eyes

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10 ways to get rid of bags under your eyes

There’s nothing worse than looking in the mirror and seeing dark circles and bags under your eyes – especially after a restful sleep! It’s natural to want to turn to one of the many “miracle cures” on the market, in hopes of de-puffing and lightening dark circles, but the truth is that they don’t always work, and some creams and lotions could do more harm than good.

Ultimately, bags under your eyes are caused by sun exposure, allergies, pigmentation, fatigue, and – you guessed it – ageing. The good news is that there are some natural ways to rejuvenate your face, without depending on cosmetic surgery or endless skincare products…



Drink more water


One of the simplest ways to reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes is to drink more water. Hydration is vital for good skin health, especially when you consider that around 60% of your body weight is water. If you’re dehydrated (according to one study, 75% of Americans are considered ‘chronically dehydrated’), those bags and dark circles will stick around longer.

Experts recommend drinking between six to eight glasses of water today, but if you’re tired of plain H2O, you can mix it up with sparkling water, cordials, or add some freshly-squeezed fruit juice. Another way to increase your water intake is to switch to decaffeinated beverages.



Bring out the tea bags


Did you know that teas can reduce bad cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease? As well as offering us a chance to rehydrate and relax at the start of the day, tea bags can be used under your eyes to reduce the appearance of bags and dark circles. Most teas contain caffeine, which is packed with antioxidants that can increase blood flow to the skin around your eyes. Green tea is a popular choice, as it also offers some anti-inflammatory benefits.

When you’re making your morning brew, stick used tea bags in the fridge for 20 minutes, squeeze out excess liquid, and rest on your under-eyes for half an hour. Over time, you’ll notice a difference in the colour and appearance of your bags – but you must be consistent.



Depend on retinol


Retinol is commonly-considered a game-changer in the skincare and anti-ageing community, and for good reason. Related to Vitamin A, retinol can be found in creams and gels, and can reduce the appearance of ageing skin. When applied directly to the skin, retinol can improve collagen production – the higher the concentration, the more effective it will be. Find a cream or gel that contains retinol and apply to your skin once per day, leave it for half an hour, and then rinse. After a couple of weeks, those dark circles and bags should begin to disappear.



Use the Oralift device


Oralift is an anti-ageing device that works by utilising the body’s 43 forgotten facial muscles. Users have reported a wide number of benefits, including the reduction of their dark circles and the appearance of their tired-looking eyes. As well as offering physical improvements to your face and skin, a number of health benefits have been reported, including increased energy. Click here to find out about our natural facial rejuvenation product on our website.



Don’t skip the sunscreen


If you want to protect your skin from dermatological issues like premature ageing, then you must invest in a quality sunscreen and use it religiously. The reason why our eyes show signs of ageing earlier than other parts of our bodies is because the skin around them is very thin. Fail to look after it, and you’ll develop fine lines, wrinkles, and other problems. Choose a sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher, water-resistant, and separate from your moisturiser, as such SPFs aren’t always as strong. You should reapply your sunscreen regularly as per the instructions, and avoid sitting directly in the sun during peak hours. Oh, and don’t think that these rules only apply in the summer: you should be applying your sunscreen all year long.



Spend more time in bed


Bags under the eyes are commonly associated with a lack of sleep – and that’s partly true. Although you won’t suddenly wake up with saggy skin if you have the odd night of insomnia, a lack of sleep can cause your complexion to become paler, which makes dark circles, bags, and wrinkles more pronounced as a result. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep every night, avoid caffeinated drinks from mid-afternoon, and turn off your phone an hour before bed.



Change the way you sleep


Speaking of sleep, it’s important to consider the way you sleep. Research has shown that your sleeping position could cause you to age prematurely, so listen up. The best way to reduce the chances of lines and wrinkles is to elevate your head, by adding another pillow or two. You could even buy a special sleeping pillow that keeps your head elevated, which will prevent your lower eyelids pooling fluid in your sleep, which causes puffiness and then bags.



Take off your makeup


We get it: when you’re ready to hit the hay, the last thing you want to do is sit in front of a mirror for ten minutes scrubbing off your makeup. But getting into a regular skincare routine is a good way to avoid bags under the eyes. Sleeping with mascara on causes eye irritation and can even lead to an infection, which could cause redness and puffiness. What’s more, sleeping in makeup exposes your skin to free radicals, which prematurely ages the skin. We recommend taking off makeup as soon as you’re at home and allow your skin to breathe.



Say goodbye to cigarettes


Smoker? We’re not going to lecture you on the health risks of smoking, but we are going to mention the potential side-effects on your skin. When you smoke, your body’s store of vitamin C is depleted, and without it, you can’t naturally create collagen. Over time, smoking leads to premature wrinkles, discoloured skin, and dark circles and bags under the eyes. It’s time to make the commitment and quit. Support is available on the NHS Live Well website.



Eat foods rich in iron


Finally, a quick word on how your diet could be causing your baggy eyes. Iron deficiency can cause dark circles under the eyes, as well as things such as brittle nails, cold hands, and fatigue. If you think you could be anaemic, speak to your doctor, who may prescribe iron supplements. If you’re suffering from mild anaemia, you can increase your intake naturally through iron-rich foods such as red meat, beans, raisins, cereals, bread, pasta, and peas.


Do you have any other tips for reducing the appearance of baggy eyes and dark circles? Let us know on social media @Oralift, and check back soon for more anti-ageing tips and tricks.

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