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Facial muscle exercise devices vs. Oralift anti-ageing device

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Facial muscle exercise devices vs. Oralift anti-ageing device

We all wish that there was a magic wand we could wave to transform the appearance of our faces, giving us model-like jawlines and wrinkle-free skin overnight. The truth is, there are no such magic wands, but there are devices on the market that are designed to help you turn back the clock and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and indeed help us achieve more defined jaws and cheeks. As we age, we lose skin elasticity and muscle tone, and the latest trend is facial muscle workouts, which are designed to prevent drooping cheeks, jowls, and other signs of ageing without going under the knife. Although it’s possible to exercise your facial muscles on your own, many are turning to facial muscle exercise devices such as Facial-Flex® and Jawzrsize®, though Oralift offers a different approach. Below, we have put together the pros and cons of both models to help you decide which is right for you.


What are facial muscle exercise devices (FMEDs)?

The facial muscle exercise device market has exploded in recent years, winning over millions of consumers around the world. Such devices offer a convenient and simple way to work the jaw muscles. The idea is to give your jaws a physical workout, activate the muscles in your face, and increase blood flow to the area, which manufacturers say can help to both sculpt the jawline and offer a more youthful glow. Most FMEDs are designed to be placed between users’ top and bottom front teeth and work in the same way as a stress ball, with users biting down, releasing, and continuing that pattern for up to ten minutes per day.

Similar to working out your arms, FMED devices are sold in different resistance levels, so you can start off with a “light” device, and move onto something more substantial. Results vary from brand to brand, though all are marketed around sculpting the face and anti-ageing.


What are the benefits of facial muscle exercise devices?

Whilst cosmetic procedures such as Botox are now significantly cheaper and less invasive than they were ten years ago, cost and potential health risks mean they’re still off-putting.

For those looking for a more natural and economical solution, facial muscle exercise can seem like a no brainer, helping people improve the tone and shape of their faces.

One of the biggest benefits of facial muscle exercise devices is that part of the work is done for you. You’re given a mouthpiece that physically separates your teeth and encourages you to move. Exercising without a device could lessen the potential benefits and lead to damage due to inconsistent movements, for example, by focusing too heavily on one side of the face.


What are the drawbacks of facial muscle exercise devices?

One of the most obvious drawbacks of facial muscle exercise devices is that they won’t offer immediate results. Indeed, most accept that it can take anywhere from two months to two years to see meaningful changes, and that requires an ongoing commitment to the product.

Some experts have claimed that FMEDs could do more harm than good. Although they are designed to change the appearance of your face, there’s no scientific evidence that they can “chisel” your jawline or help you lose weight. One negative side effect commonly overlooked is that stimulating the muscles in your face could actually increase their size, making your face look larger rather than smaller. For those looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines, this could work in your favour, but it’s bad news for those looking to lose weight. Indeed, if you want to lose fat, you’ll need to burn it naturally; one cannot simply expect to hone in one area and see results

Something else to bear in mind is that FMEDs can only exercise a particular muscle or group of muscles at the same time. With Jawzrsize®, for example, it’s biting muscles, with Chisel it is chewing muscle, and at Face Gym you could only have certain muscles massaged. The same is true of facial exercises and yoga, each unable to offer the full-rounded benefits of an anti-ageing device such as Oralift, which is designed to activate your head and neck muscles together with your breathing and swallowing muscles for more rounded and long-lasting benefits, without placing too much strain on one muscle.

One final drawback to FMEDs is that they require you to put force on your teeth, which can in turn act as “unintentional orthodontics”. When this is applied regularly, it can force your teeth to shift or impact your bite position, which could lead to alignment issues or TMJ.


What is the Oralift anti-ageing device?

Although Oralift is designed to stimulate facial muscles, it is not an FMED and offers far superior results in relation to anti-ageing. Unlike FMEDs, Oralift’s mouthguard-like device is designed to be worn for short periods every third day, with rest periods in between, and requires no physical exercise or routines. Users simply place the Oralift device in their mouth, set a timer, and get on with reading a book or catching up on emails.  Marketed as a “home facelift,” it uses the body’s natural ability to adapt, rejuvenating forgotten facial muscles. Cosmetic surgeons have described it as “one of the most impressive products to reduce and delay the signs of facial ageing”.


What are the benefits of the Oralift anti-ageing device?

Studies have shown how the Oralift device can have a significant impact on the face, offering gradual and natural changes to improve facial aesthetics. In a recent study published by The Open Dentistry Journal, all patients reported that their skin had improved, their cheeks had improved, and that their ageing triangle (the downward trend affecting the corners of the eyes, mouth, and cheeks) had reversed. One of the biggest benefits is that users develop an understanding of their freeway space (the space between the upper and lower teeth) and the impact it can have on the ageing process. Awareness helps users stop their parafunctional habits which can cause anti-ageing signs like jowls and fine wrinkles.

The report referenced the usefulness of 3D imaging and keeping a log of users’ progress, allowing them to track changes to their appearance over time. As part of the Oralift product, users are able to download the dedicated Oralift app and upload selfies to see how their face shape is changing. Anecdotally, users have reported reduced bags under their eyes, increased fullness of the lips, improved head posture, and more prominent cheekbones. It has also been reported that Oralift can strengthen the jawline, improve the smile, close and repair pores, and even reduce or eliminate headaches, though more research is needed.

The beauty of Oralift lies in its ability to trigger the adaptation ability, a process essential to the survival of the species. Those looking for an anti-ageing solution will typically fall into one of two camps. The former is those whose muscles are overworked due to stress or parafunction such as teeth grinding or clenching, and the latter involves those whose facial muscles are underworked, with lifestyles that do not include a great deal of talking or eating a soft or liquid-based diet. Oralift’s adaptive process, first established in orthodontics, means that benefits are offered to both groups, as muscles are encouraged to alter to allow the jaw to rest in a new position. For those in the first group, the muscles will relax, and in the latter, they’ll strengthen and tighten. The process of adaption rather than vigorous facial exercise means that muscles aren’t overworked, which allows them to be used for their rejuvenating power. This advanced system cannot be replicated by FMEDs or other anti-ageing techniques and is what sets Oralift apart.

With Oralift, the muscles of the face, head and neck, breathing and swallowing muscles all adapt. With breathing muscles, the air volume changes as the jaw rests in a lower position, and thus all the muscles involved in the process have to reset, meaning they will become more relaxed, with increased lubrication. As the jaw is resting in a new position, the tongue has to rest in a new position, and so users’ swallow patterns change, with the muscles involved in swallowing and digestion resetting themselves. As a result, Oralfit users have anecdotally reported profound improvements to a number of health and lifestyle conditions.


What are the drawbacks of the Oralift anti-ageing device?

Although some patients can show a marked improvement after using Oralift for just 10 minutes, Oralift is a lifestyle change and users should show patience and stick with the programme. Unlike FMEDs, however, Oralift’s companion app motivates and educates users into the right way of using the device and monitors progress and the comparison tool provided lets you monitor your changes. Still, commitment is required for maximum results.

Finally, Oralift is not recommended for those with ongoing dental problems or those having work done on their teeth, such as dentures and crowns. Dental work should be completed and if there are missing teeth, they should be replaced with a denture or implant before the device is used. For personalised advice, consult your dentist before starting with Oralift.

There you have it – a comparison between facial muscle exercise devices and Oralift. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out on Twitter, and check back soon for more.

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