We can see the improvement in the shape of the face due to the lifting of the soft tissues and improvement in posture. The jowls have also reduced, the eyes look brighter and we can see the widening of the lips that occurs with aging has reversed.
The black and white pictures show the improvement in the shape of the face more clearly. The hooding above the eyes has improved. The wrinkles on the lips look a bit worse on the left upper lip. Could this be a sign of overuse? Wrinkles are affected by so many factors and to actually assess the difference, one has to sit in a darkened room with controlled temperature and humidity.
The smile looks much better and is due to the uplift of the soft tissues, resulting in the corners of the mouth lifting up more and the increased display of the upper teeth. The eyes play a part in the smile too as they look brighter.
The uplift of the soft tissues shows in the angle of the wrinkles at the corner of the eyes and you can see this angle has changed and lifted. The wrinkles have slightly reduced in length.
Black and white pictures show the results more clearly.
Close up of the left eye shows improved hooding, possibly due to improvement in the muscles around the eye. The reduced wrinkles would be due to increased volume. Skin changes however, can take much longer.
Similar changes have taken place on the right eye. Usually one side shows better results than the other but here both sides are showing similar improvements.
The smile is much better, more upper teeth showing – due to the reversal of the aging triangle or just postural change or both?
Reduction in wrinkles more obvious in the B&W pictures.