Michelle’s lips are looking fuller and the corners of the mouth have lifted. The width of the nose appears narrower and the tip of the nose has also lifted. The cheeks have continued to improve and are looking slightly fuller. The skin looks much smoother.
Michelle has a more pleasing smile due to an improvement in posture and the tip of the nose having lifted.
You can see clearly in these photographs, the eyes are wider and livelier. Skin looks much smoother.
These show the improvements in cheeks more clearly, especially the left side and also we can see the hooding above the eyes has improved.
The smile looks better. This is as a result of reduction in wrinkles around the eyes, and the uplift in the tip of the nose. The uplift in the tip of the nose could be just due to the improvement in head posture – the head is more upright. Remember the smile is not just about the teeth and lips but the whole face.
The reduction in wrinkles around the eyes and the hooding above the eyes can be seen more clearly here.
The jaw line is much firmer.
Michelle has already commented on her posture improvement: “I have noticed that I have a curvature at the top of my back for many years. I noticed that it has now straightened out a bit and my head is more lifted in all the pictures”. Here we can see how the head sits more on top of the shoulders and how the shoulders are further back.