These show the lifting of the cheeks and change in face shape more clearly. There is also an improvement in the pigmentation of the skin.
These show that the chin has come forward, so although the bite has not changed, the profile has.
The jawline also looks more defined.
As usual the black and white pictures show the changes more clearly. The firming of the jawline and the forward movement of the chin. Will these last for years to come? We believe, the answer is yes!
These also show the firming of the jawline and the forward movement of the chin.
These show more clearly how the reversal of the aging triangle is affecting the shape of the face and the width of the lips reduces to give fuller lips
The head sits more on top of the shoulders improving the circulation to the head and neck
As we age our lips get wider. With the reversal of the aging triangle we see a change in this. Lips look more attractive
There is slight reduction in the number of wrinkles under the left eye. In a recent study it was shown that there is a 12.5 reduction in wrinkles in two weeks when using Oralift
There is slight increase in volume due to changes in muscles as they deprogramme and due to increase in blood supply to the face. Lips therefore look a little fuller.