These pictures with the black and white filter clearly show that the ageing triangle has reversed. One of the unique aspects of Oralift treatment is that it can take away the sad, dull look of the eyes which sometimes occur with ageing. One user describes this as restoring her “vitality”. This is clearly the case here, as Denise look revitalise. Her cheeks have lifted up and her lips look fuller.
This close up shows that in addition to the forehead lines, the lines below the eyes have lessened considerably.
When the smile improves it’s not confined to the lips and teeth. The improvements in the whole face make the smile look so much more attractive.
These photographs highlight every improvement in the facial features, all of which contribute to Denise’s lovely smile.
As we age we tend to show less of our upper teeth and more of the lowers. This is because of the sagging of the soft tissues which takes place on the face. We can see clearly in Denise’s case how the tooth display has changed resulting in more of the top teeth showing and less of the bottom teeth showing in the smile.