With age comes wisdom, experience and less insecurities. We all meet people who act younger than they are, they are often physically active and have a real ‘zest’ for life. If you have your health, age is just a number, but wouldn’t it be great if we could always look as good as we feel? If we could defy the ageing process with natural non-invasive methods
You don’t have to be an athlete but benefits to the body and mind from regular exercise are well proven. Fast walking is extremely beneficial and can be undertaken at any time and with no specialist kit. Getting out in the fresh air does wonders for your mental clarity and physical wellbeing. Your body will look better if you exercise regularly, your muscles will tone and tighten. The facial muscles are different from the muscles of the body being more closely aligned to the heart muscle. Facial muscles can adapt instantaneously, the Oralift device utilises this ability effectively ‘re-setting’ and revitalising the structure of the face.
Eat Healthily
It is vital to nourish your body with healthy food, you are to a degree what you eat, how can you not be? It is all about finding a balance, try to avoid processed food whilst increasing your intake of wholegrains, good fats, fruits and vegetables. Don’t deny yourself that glass of wine or piece of chocolate but do remember that a healthy diet equals a strong body.
Share Experiences
We all make mistakes, what is important is to learn from them and to share your experiences. Try not to dwell on your past, you can’t change it now, but you can change the future. One way to expel ghosts of the past is to share your experiences with those around you. You will not be the only one looking to move on from past events and embark on a healthier lifestyle. Take an interest in what inspires and motivates others and you will make new friends in the process.
Staying mentally active
People who are mentally active stay younger and have lower levels of depression and anxiety. It is easy these days to stare at a screen, the TV, the tablet or social media pages are all too alluring and you can become addicted. Try something new, read a book, take up arts and crafts, learn to cook or develop a new skill. Youth is a state of mind, many people aged 50+ say that they are happier than they have ever been. So, embrace it, seek out like minded people with a zest for life.
Decide what is important
Too often we are simply too busy to sit down and invest in ourselves. To take the time to really decide what is it we want? What makes us happy? Do you have a bucket list? If time and money were no object what would you do to make you feel good and be happy?
If looking older bothers you then take steps to do something about it. You don’t just have to accept the inevitable. New discoveries are being made all the time and it does not have to mean surgery or injections.