Barbara’s Story

After 2 months
Barbara had a brilliant result after 2 months of using Oralift. After some time, she decided to have the technique to increase her vertical dimension of occlusion and since then she has been using Oralift to maintain the results. Incredibly, she is 70 years old in the "after" picture below!
After 9 years
After 2 months
1.5 years
2 years
3.5 years
5 years
6.5 years
7 years
After 9 years

Oralift programme

As you can see Barbara’s improvement continued over time. Remember that the ongoing programme with Oralift is only for two months wear twice a year.


The eyes

Here we can see that the corners of the eyes are lifted even after 9 years and that the eyes themselves are wider and brighter.


The mouth

Again, even after 9 years, the corners of the mouth have remained lifted. Barbara has not had any other treatment on her lips and she is not showing any real signs of ageing.






The smile

Barbara’s smile looks so much better and more even. The right corner of her mouth no longer droops down and the space between top and bottom lips is even on both sides. There are no signs of ageing on the smile.  Her eyes are smiling too!

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