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Unusual anti-ageing techniques that could be worth considering

Unusual Anti-aging techniques

Unusual anti-ageing techniques that could be worth considering

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, the chances are that you’ll be familiar with the techniques required to hold onto your youthful looks for longer. Drinking lots of water, avoiding the sun, and moisturising are amongst the most obvious, but as women of all ages try to reverse the most common signs of ageing – namely fine lines and wrinkles – many are turning to weird and unusual anti-ageing techniques. Below, we’ve rounded up a few…


Cryogenic chambers

As we get older, our metabolism can slow down, our energy levels suffer, toxins can build up, and our collagen production slows down, leaving our skin looking wrinkled and flat. With cryotherapy, where patients stand in a cryotherapy chamber and are exposed to extremely low temperatures for a couple of minutes, the body will react to protect your internal organs by flushing out blood with important nutrients and drawing blood from the skin and muscles during the session. Sessions are designed to improve circulation, remove toxins, and speed up your metabolism and body’s recovery process, which could make you look younger.


Urine therapy

The bizarre act of applying urine to your face might sound like something from a horror story, but it’s used by celebs and beauticians around the world to combat the unwelcome effects of ageing. ‘Pee facials’ require you to collect your urine, apply it to your face using a cloth or cotton wool, and leave it to dry. Then, you can rinse it away with cold water and get on with your day, pretending it never happened! Those who recommend the treatment say that it can clear your complexion and tighten your pores in the same way as a toner, and they argue it’s the ideal treatment for skin conditions like acne and psoriasis. Dermatologists have mixed opinions on whether urine therapy actually works, but they agree it won’t cause any harm.


Gold facial

If you’re looking for something a little more fancy and sophisticated, then a gold facial should be something to consider. Celebrities swear by the treatment to keep wrinkles at bay, but it’s going to cost you a small fortune. Gold contains both anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties, and many salons are now offering 24-karat facials for customers who are willing to pay. Though there’s limited scientific evidence gold will turn back the clock, beauticians claim it can reduce inflammation and redness, protect the skin against free radical damage, and support collagen production. You can also find gold in some high-end skincare products.



Oralift is an anti-ageing device that’s designed to help rejuvenate your skin naturally, all without harsh chemicals or cosmetic surgery. Our small mouthguard-type device can be worn for short periods and uses a similar principle to exercise in that it uses the body’s natural ability to adapt, and rejuvenates the face without surgery, pain, injections, or chemicals. The best part is that it’s available for as little as £219 ($295 USD) which is less than the average price of a single Botox injection and this will last you for years. A growing number of women around the world are discovering the power of Oralift – now it’s your turn!



You probably wouldn’t want to rub a cactus on your face, but the plant could help you hold onto your youthful looks for a while longer. Cactus flowers are packed with water as well as a whole host of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, and could help repair UV damage from the sun. You’ll find cactus listed as an ingredient on a growing number of skincare products, from HASK Cactus Water Weightless Moisture Collection to Kiehl’s Cactus Flower & Tibetan Ginseng Mist. Shop around and find a cactus-infused product that works for you.


Do you have any weird or wonderful anti-ageing techniques that you’d like to share? Join in the conversation on social media @Oralift and check back soon for the latest from us.

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