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Homemade anti-ageing face mask recipes for you to try

Homemade anti-ageing face mask recipes for you to try2

Homemade anti-ageing face mask recipes for you to try

Check out these anti-ageing face mask recipes to turn back the clock naturally.

Whether you’re scrolling through social media, watching a movie or chatting with friends, it’s hard not to be bothered about the way we look nowadays. We live in a society where women (and men) are expected to look fresh-faced and free of wrinkles. But the truth is, our bodies do age, and it’s our faces that show the earliest signs, with fine lines, wrinkles, and Crow’s Feet beginning to form as we enter into our 30s and 40s. Although it’s impossible to stop the ageing process entirely, there are ways that you can slow it down – and one of those is with a good skincare regime. Below, we’ve rounded up five homemade anti-ageing facemask recipes to try out. Each was designed to help you combat signs of ageing without chemicals.


The hydrating face mask

Did you know that banana is a natural collagen booster? As well as eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables that keep you looking younger, you can apply them to your face. Start with a ripe banana, mashing it to remove all lumps until you’ve formed a paste. Then, add four tablespoons of curd and two teaspoons of honey. Mix them together, warm the mask in a pan for a few minutes, and then apply liberally. Leave it to dry for around 15-20 minutes, and gently wash it away with lukewarm water. The banana will boost collagen, the curd will nourish your skin, and the honey will keep your skin hydrated without clogging your pores.


The rejuvenating anti-ageing face mask

For this mask, you’ll need to combine a teaspoon of clay, a tablespoon of oatmeal, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of olive oil, and half a teaspoon of powdered milk. Mix them with a few drops of water to form a paste, and then add a dash of essential oil. Choose oils like peppermint, lavender, tea tree, bergamot, or chamomile, and then mix and apply to your face. The clay will be rich in minerals and is designed to remove impurities from your skin. The milk will cleanse and nourish, whilst the olive oil will offer moisture. Honey can brighten the face and “bind” the moisture to your skin, whilst the essential oil’s benefit is dependent.


  • Lemon: High in vitamin C and reduce the damage caused by oxidation.
  • Pomegranate: Reduces oxidative stress, which prevents new wrinkles from forming.
  • Lavender: Antioxidant, reduces the appearance of lines when applied to the skin.



The brightening face mask

If your skin is looking dry and dull, combine a tablespoon of yoghurt, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and a tablespoon of sandalwood powder. Mix these ingredients to create a smooth face mask and leave it on until it hardens. Wash off gently with a flannel to reveal bright and refreshed skin. The yoghurt’s lactic acid can smoothen and moisturise your skin. Sandalwood can soothe sunburn and reduce the signs of ageing, including dry skin and wrinkles. When you rinse off, the sandalwood powder will also provide some light exfoliation.


The protecting face mask

Next up, a simple mask designed to protect your skin from environmental stressors, which over time can cause premature ageing. All you need for this one is an egg – preferably fresh and organic. Beat the egg in a bowl and apply the mixture to your face. Leave it to dry, and once you wash it off (either in the shower or with a face cloth) you’ll reveal tighter and more toned skin. That’s thanks to the egg’s protein, which promotes youthful-looking skin. B2 (riboflavin) is known to reduce oxidative stress and the chances of degenerative diseases.


The relaxing anti-ageing face mask

If you’re looking for a mask that can help you relax after a busy day, we’ve got you covered. Take half a cup of milk cream and add in four teaspoons of lime juice. Mix and apply to your face, leaving it to dry and harden. Wash with cold water, and moisturise your face after. The milk cream will hydrate and nourish your skin inside out and offer a supple, youthful glow. Lime can reduce hyper-pigmentation; save the peel for a natural exfoliating face scrub later!


Check out these anti-ageing face masks and let us know what you think. If you’re still looking for ways to reduce the appearance of your fine lines and wrinkles, turn to our anti-ageing device. In a recent study, 80% of Oralift users reported improvements in their eyes, neck, and jawline, and all reported an improvement in the skin and ageing triangle. Click here to see success stories and order your Oralift device online today.

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